Every spring we survey Sea Tow members to get a pulse on how they plan to spend their boating season. The real-time data gives us a snapshot of what we can expect as your boat towing provider, and help us serve you better on the water (and off).

This year, the survey generated over 7,800 responses.

We all have been wondering the same thing given one of the biggest headlines of the year so far, how will the cost of fuel affect boating season? Despite the sharp rise, over 50% of boaters reported no anticipated change to their boating season. That means the 85% who say they use their boat primarily for fishing and cruising will stay underway. Additionally, over 51% of boaters surveyed say they either have a vacation by boat planned or are seriously considering it, with only 10% reporting fuel costs as a deterrent.

The survey also showed that of Sea Tow’s services, over 56% of members ranked free boat towing as the most valued service of membership, in part correlating with members’ greatest concern of engine failure. These concerns along with other insightful feedback help Sea Tow best tailor its services, resources and education to both new and longstanding members.

“At Sea Tow, we value our members’ feedback and with their insight, we can better target our services while continuing to provide a superior level of customer service,” said Sea Tow President Kristen Frohnhoefer. “Our member survey has proven to be an effective way to communicate with members and allows us to best anticipate these needs now and into the future.”

2022 sea tow member survey results

unmatched membership benefits

Sea Tow has been the premier leader in on-water boating assistance since 1983. With Sea Tow, you pay one annual rate and receive the most comprehensive member benefits available. Membership includes a full suite of on-water assistance services for every boat you own, rent, charter, lease or borrow. Learn more about our membership options today. To find the Sea Tow closest to you, use our service locator or call our Customer Care Center at 800-4-SEATOW.

Sea Tow Team

Sea Tow has been the premier leader in on-water boating assistance since 1983. We want to share news, press, tips and all things boating.

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